A Final Detailed Termination Letter Of A Sales Manager

Subject: Termination of Employment – [Sales Manager Name]

Dear [Sales Manager Name],

This letter serves as formal notification that your employment with [Company Name] is terminated effective [Date of Termination]. This decision comes after careful consideration and in accordance with [Company Policy/Employee Handbook reference, if applicable] due to [Reason for Termination – be specific and clear].

Performance Issues (if applicable):

  • Despite receiving coaching and warnings on [Dates], your performance in areas such as [List specific areas of underperformance – e.g., meeting sales targets, lead generation, customer service] has consistently fallen below expectations.
  • We provided opportunities for improvement through [Specific actions taken to address performance issues – e.g., training programs, revised sales goals, performance improvement plans]. Unfortunately, these efforts haven’t resulted in the necessary improvement.

Misconduct (if applicable):

  • On [Date], you engaged in conduct that violated company policy, specifically [Specify the policy violated and the employee’s action – e.g., company non-solicitation policy, harassment policy, attendance policy]. This behavior has damaged trust and created a negative work environment.

Redundancy (if applicable):

  • Due to recent restructuring efforts and changes in our business needs, the position of Sales Manager has become redundant. We appreciate your contributions to the company and understand this news may be difficult.

Next Steps:

  • As per your employment contract/company policy, you are entitled to [Outline severance package details – e.g., severance pay, continuation of health benefits for a specific period, outplacement services].
  • Please return all company property, including your laptop, phone, and any company credit cards, to your supervisor by [Date]..
  • Your access to company systems will be deactivated on your last day of employment.
See also  The Employee's Legal Responsibilities Towards Employers

We understand that termination can be a difficult experience. We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Important Note:

  • This is a sample letter and should be adapted to fit the specific circumstances of the termination.
  • Always consult with your company’s HR department and legal counsel before finalizing a termination letter.
  • Ensure the letter complies with all applicable local and federal employment laws.

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