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The Right to a Fair Trial In India 0

The Right to a Fair Trial In India

In India, the right to a fair trial is enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to life and personal liberty. The Indian legal system also recognizes the right to...

The Right to a Fair Trial: A Global Comparison 0

The Right to a Fair Trial: A Global Comparison

The right to a fair trial is a fundamental human right enshrined in numerous international treaties and conventions. It is a cornerstone of justice, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their social status, economic background,...

Product Liability Under Tort Law — Part 2 0

Product Liability Under Tort Law — Part 2

Famous Product Liability Cases Product liability cases often involve significant damages and have a profound impact on both consumers and industries. Here are some notable examples:   United States: International Cases: Bhopal Gas Tragedy:...

Product Liability Under Tort Law – Part 1 0

Product Liability Under Tort Law – Part 1

Product liability is a legal doctrine that holds manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and others responsible for injuries caused by defective products. It falls under the broader umbrella of tort law, which deals with civil wrongs....